Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Frank, Rimerman + Co. 2010 Holiday Party

So this is the ONE photo captured (end of the night, hence my shoes in my hand and us looking a little too relaxed) due to me forgetting my purse on a table in the ballroom and then it being stolen. We took some really cute photos too :( which is what I'm most sad about since we were all snazzy and dressed up. "Things" are replaceable and although it's a giant pain to be stuck with my old/slow iphone now, I can't replace the photos we took that night on my camera.

On a better note! ...We had a WONDERFUL time!!


The Shavers Family said...

Your purse was stolen, ack!?!?!? I'm so sorry, I know exactly how it feels to lose all your photos on your phone, since mine was stolen just a few months ago. Boo! :(

Love this pic though!

Chandra said...

You still look lovely! Run it through a B&W filter and it'll look timeless ;-)