4th of July
It was a great weekend. Another joyous moment when Josh told me he didn't have to work Sunday or Monday!! Last minute is impossible to do any overnight trips on a holiday weekend, but I did score us 2 kayak rentals to go 10 miles down the Russian River on Sunday the 3rd. It was an amazingly sunny, hot, perfect day. We cruised down the river, stopped to have our picnic lunch and wade in the cool water and continued cruising. Then, as we passed a little beach full of people enjoying this holiday weekend I heard "Shelby?" What the... haha, it was my friend Audrey and her fiance! I can't believe she recognized me under my sun hat and out of all the people passing by at a constant rate. We pulled over and enjoyed a beer with them, then headed on our way. Right when my hands were going to give up from all the paddling, our stop was just ahead. We bussed back, got our car and headed home, but not before a quick stop in Santa Rosa at one of our favorite beer pubs.
Monday the 4th was great. Josh and I had a yummy breakfast outdoors, then went to visit Sally and his godson, Azure. He is getting so big, he used to fit on Josh's forearm. Sally is looking at moving back to Germany in September or October :( She's ready to be back in her own home and also has to get it packed up for when Kevin is done with his stint in Afghanistan in early Spring. Hope they get stationed somewhere much closer!!
Josh and I then went over to his friends, Dean & Amanda's house to ring in the 4th. Amanda is Josh's sister's best friend since they were 13 and now they are moving to Portland :( They have 2 adorable kids, Sadie & Wyatt (now I can't use that name! lol). They were troopers, but since it doesn't get dark til way after their bedtime, we had to do the fireworks at dusk. Oh, and Amanda gave Phillip a mohawk. Lots of great photos!
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